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Russ Girsberger, Robert Sutherland, Patrick Lo, Wei-En Hsu (2021) Keeping Music Alive during the Pandemic: Stories and Lessons from the World’s Leading Opera, Orchestra Librarians, and Music Archivists, Volume 2: Europe and Asia, Bingley: Emerald Publishing Limited

Russ Girsberger, Robert Sutherland, Patrick Lo, Wei-En Hsu (2021) 
Keeping Music Alive during the Pandemic: Stories and Lessons from the World’s Leading Opera, Orchestra Librarians, and Music Archivists, Volume 1: North and South America, Bingley: Emerald Publishing Limited

Patrick Lo, Wei-En Hsu, Stephanie H. S. Wu, J. Travis, Dickson Chiu (2021) 
Creating a Global Cultural City via Public Participation in the Arts: Conversations with Hong Kong's Leading Arts and Cultural Administrators, New York: Nova Science Publishers
Creating a Global Cultural City.JPG


Sutherland, R., Lo, P. ., & Hsu, W.-E. (2021). Lucie Brosseau: Musicothécaire de Les Violons du Roy (orchestre de chambre) et La Chapelle de Québec (choeur de chambre). CAML Review / Revue De l’ACBM, 49(2), 100–108.


徐惟恩 (2021) 在傳統與當代之間修行—尋找靈修的真意 於 盧敬之、卓文傑、林雪杰、趙格華 (eds) 文武之道(下)之以拳入哲:從城市森林中尋訪對閱讀有想法的武者與文化人 香港:超媒體出版

徐惟恩 (2021) 在閱讀中找到下一個靈感 於 盧敬之、卓文傑、林雪杰、趙格華 (eds) 文武之道(上):從城市森林中尋訪對閱讀有想法的武者與文化人 香港:超媒體出版
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